The home screen displays all Active Projects for your account. Select any row from the table to access project details. The Project Interface is divided into 7 possible sections, depending on your User Role for that project:
- Draft Requests (Project Requestors Only): Displays any saved requests currently in draft mode, not yet submitted. Only Requestors will be able to view these requests.
- Pending Requests: Displays any submitted requests currently waiting on approval. Project Requestors have read-only access during this step. Project Approvers have the ability to modify, approve, or reject pending requests.
- Complete Requests: Displays requests which have successfully completed all necessary approvals. These requests become read-only for all user types. Single or multiple completed requests can be selected for export from this screen.
- Users (Project Managers only): Use this screen to add, remove, or modify roles for uses on your project. This screen also allows for Project Managers to define or change the Request Approval Order (see Defining Your Approval Workflow).
- Project Assets: Displays all Employees and Owned Equipment that has been saved to your project. See Saving Project Assets.
- Settings (Project Managers only): Use this screen to view or modify project settings that were defined during ‘New Project’ setup. Note that Allowable Costs cannot be modified after a project is saved.